Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Not a bad day!

Yesterday we had a pretty good day! We went to a play date at Tracy's house and Ryan just had a blast playing with Alek. It is so funny to see them together. They run around, Alek rides on Ryan like a horse with Ryan cracking up to pieces, they lay quietly next to each other on the cough as Alek shows Ryan how to play a video game. Josh and Sean should be a mess in the years to come! You can already see them wrestling! Melissa was there as well and we had some good food made by Tracy.

Then we went to dinner at Five Guys with Daddy and Tennille and Quaid! It was so good to see them again now that they are back from Alabama! Then I was off to have some wine with some girlfriends. That makes for a pretty busy and good day in any book!

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