Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lazy fall weekends

We had a gorgeous weekend in Charlotte! Friday night we went out with our friends Tom and Tennille and their adorable son Quaid. Quaid and Josh had a riot at dinner trying to eat the paper table cloth and having a squeal-off. Ryan was too busy downing chinese to care much what else was shaking! When it's still 75 degrees at 8:00, you get ice cream and watch the huge fountain. Josh was less than thrilled, having just had his RSV and flu shots that morning!

Saturday brought more gorgeous weather and we were off to the park to play and try for the Christmas pictures. Sadly, we didn't get "the one" but there were so really cute ones! Ryan had a blast playing in the leaves! We went over to Shannon and Greg's on Saturday night for some adult time!

We've had a completely lazy Sunday with cups of coffee and newspapers and lots of playing with the little ones. Uncle Scott came to join us for football and dinner. I know that the holidays are around the corner and that comes with busy weekends, but I love weekends just like this!

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